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Social Media Marketing

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Businesses Should not Rely Solely on Social Media for Their Marketing Campaigns

Social Media seems to be finding its way into our lives more and more every day. Find me a person who uses the Internet and is not active on any social media network sharing their thoughts. Through continued globalization, and technological globalization, the world has become a much smaller place; everything you need is just a click away. With the busy lives we lead and the new technology that is easily available all around us, we fail to keep up with friends and family in person and instead rely on social media networking to check in with them and see how they’re doing.

On average 22% of time spent online in our country is spent on social media. It enables us to share our information, interests, activities and snippets of our lives via photos and videos, it has also turned into one of the new business marketing hotspots. Businesses have flocked to different networks to promote their brands, optimize their content and engage both current and prospective customers in order to build brand image, reputation and (hopefully and eventually) sales.

But, as with all trends, people are starting to look for different alternatives.The common Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make in Social Media is still relying on social media alone; traditional media will always be around, and it’s important to not forget about these channels to market your brand. The marketing campaign of IWearYourShirt is a great example of blending two types of marketing for optimal results: word-of-mouth marketing and social media marketing. With hundreds of people talking about your brand at the same time, it is more likely to be picked up by more people, and consequently more like to go viral.

So while social media is and will – at least of the foreseeable future – be one of the premier mediums through which businesses conduct their marketing campaigns, it’s important not to lose sight of more traditional strategies. Press releases are as alive as ever, and as IWearYourShirt has demonstrated, so is word-of-mouth marketing.

To learn more about the new and creative entrant to the world of marketing, visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make in Social Media

While social media makes it incredibly easy to make new contacts and create a virtual workspace, including the transfer of pictures and files, it also makes it incredibly easy to make bug blunders that can ruin an interview or permanently close the door to getting a new client. It is not an easy thing to understand how written language can be misunderstood without the advantages of tone of voice and facial cues, but precise communication is an essential skill for young entrepreneurs.

Aversion and avoidance is another problem with social media. Since the other person is not physically there, the temptation to respond to something important can be very great. It is also possible to forget about some people entirely as a person focuses on many clients or problems simultaneously. If the upcoming business person does not care a whole lot about his or her business, then that attitude will show through poor customer service and a long response time.

Clients and business associates will protest poor responsiveness most fiercely, but they might be even more put off by bad content. This basically means submitting a substandard draft or something shoddy or poorly researched as the final draft. This problem again arises from only interacting with a computer. A person feels like they are working for themselves and sometimes submits content without critical analysis. Learn to put personal ego on hold.

While a person can be chit-chatty with friends, young entrepreneurs must learn to distinguish between the informal writing voice and interacting with business contacts. While some associates might be relaxed, others might be very conservative. Err on the professional side until establishing a repertoire with a new contact. Social media marketing is the art of using electronic interaction to sell yourself and products, and learning effective strategies is essential to success. Its imperative to be conversational, but make sure you figure out who you can converse with before engaging.

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +