successful entrepreneurs
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How Successful Entrepreneurs Turn Obstacles Into Assets
There are three things that will help you know which direction to take to ensure success after starting a new business or launching a new product:
- Find out what people like and do not like about your product or business. The earlier you get to know this the
better before you dedicate more resources into the venture. Knowing this will help you avoid loses or keep them to a minimum right from the start.
- The feedback you get from your customers could take you to the next level or form a boundary between you and your competitors. The industry may be too congested but there may be potential customers who are still in need of the product or service that you provide./li>
- Whether you achieve what you expected or not, you are better than the person who is still dreaming. The fact that you made an effort is a stepping stone to success. Your knowledge is an asset and that is something that a dreamer does not have. Your assets are what will make your business succeed.
Sometimes you may be greatly disappointed. In some cases you may even lose the will to carry on. But why not take a different approach? Maybe your first approach was the problem. Look at your disappointment in from a different angle and try to come up with ways of making your idea, product or business better. You can come up with a solution and be better than when you first tried. You will get to know what consumers like, hate and prefer.
What happens when you can’t solve the problem? Learn to live with the fact that it may never change. However, do not hide in a cocoon; turn the outcome into an asset. Find out what you can do about not being able to change the problem. You could use the idea to sell yourself when looking for a job or turn it into a product or venture that your computer never imagined would have been.
Remember, successful people work with what they have. They never wait for the right time, the weather to be better or for the rate of inflation to go down. Actually, the truth is some of the things that you may be waiting for will never come. There will never be the right time to do something unless you create it. Start with what you have at hand. If something else comes along, embrace it and continue moving forward.
Use everything at your disposal to achieve your business goals. Be motivated and encouraged by obstacles and disappointments. It does not matter how many times you fall or how many disappointments you get; it is always worth trying again.
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, which provides business owners with virtual office services to help them save money and grow their business. Virtual Offices include a prestigious business address in myriad U.S. cities, Virtual Phone Services, courier services and more. Google +
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5 Facts That Set Real Entrepreneurs Apart
Entrepreneurs are a rare breed. Mediocre ones, those who like to call themselves entrepreneurs and yet have nothing much to show for it, are everywhere. Real entrepreneurs, or those whose insights and actions prove their worth, are relatively few. Here are five things that set them apart. See if you’re one of their kind or simply be inspired by them.
- They’re Not Doing it for Money
- They Don’t Try to Be Someone Else
- They’re Obsessed about Their Calling
- They Weren’t Born Entrepreneurs
- They’re Not Solitary Leaders
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They’re in it for the challenge. Money to them is just one of the many resources that help them realize their vision. But money, in itself, isn’t the end goal. If you want proof, look at those successful entrepreneurs who have made a dent in the universe: the Late Steve Jobs build Apple, Jeff Bezos continues to fascinate us with his flagship e-reader, Kindle. We’re told Bezos is takes big risks and lose money by keeping prices low. And yet investors and customers remain with the company. We know why. It’s the passion that’s reflected in the products they design.
Real entrepreneurs don’t fit the mold. That’s because they don’t adhere to external rules or have someone decide for them. From the clothes they wear to their modes of transportation, they don’t try to impress or be unique. They simply are. We can say that they deliberately design their lifestyles to match the kind of work they do. They don’t seem to leave anything to chance.
Once an entrepreneur finds his or her passion or mission, they’re in it to actualize it. Their presence or just the look in their eyes will tell you that something or someone working through them. It’s as if they’ve been possessed by an idea. It’s interesting that many of them believe they’ve been chosen or they’re the right person to implement an idea, no matter how odd it may seem at first.
Personal histories of real entrepreneurs reveal their humble roots. Many of them have actually experienced adversities and challenges while growing up. They turned their losses, material or otherwise, into sources of inspiration. Many of them have realized early on that they shouldn’t rely on anyone or anything. Their motivation comes from within and they’re never discouraged by external conditions. Their attitude and not their circumstances turned them into real entrepreneurs.
Are real entrepreneurs superheroes who do it all by themselves? Of course not. The entrepreneur as an iconic leader distorts reality. Successful founders of some of the world’s biggest companies have partners. Steve Jobs partnered with Steve Wozniak. Bill Gates had the support of Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer. Larry Page worked with Sergey Brin. The early days of these founders revealed that they’re more of collaborators than superheroes. It’s also not a secret that many entrepreneurs are good at founding and creating, not at running and maintaining companies. Unless, of course, if you’re Jeff Bezos.
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, which provides business owners with virtual office services to help them save money and grow their business. Virtual Offices include a prestigious business address in myriad U.S. cities, Virtual Phone Services, courier services and more. Google +
Get Yourself an Entrepreneurial Education
Are you a business owner with high ambition to make your enterprise grow? How do you plan to achieve your goals? Probably you need some basic education to execute your expansion programs. Entrepreneurial education is most important for young business owners to achieve success. Some entrepreneurs choose to start of their own. But the right choice is to obtain a university degree in entrepreneurship and get advantage of vast business resources offered by renowned universities. These education programs offer thorough knowledge about essentials of business principles including capital and human resource management. Achieving desired success in your venture may be delayed if you lack professional qualification in entrepreneurship. If you feel you need a university degree to make you a professional entrepreneur, find the institution that best suits your needs.
Get some professional advice on how to pick a study program for your enterprise, visit
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +
Winning Customer’s Confidence is Vital for Business Success
This post is courtesy United Virtual- the virtual office company
Are you launching a new internet venture” Online buyers are very cautious; they know internet is full of unethical sites whose intention is to make quick money and vanish overnight. Winning confidence of your customers is most important for your success. Work out ways to win their trust. It takes time but you can achieve it by implementing your fair business policy with full commitment.
Remember, we are in business with one objective giving best products and services to our customers. If you succeed winning their confidence, they will be pleased to call you back. If you have a team of dedicated employees who know how to deliver what your customer wants and how to handle customer queries in most friendly manner, you are sure to win their loyalty.
Want to have some useful tips on how to earn the trust of new customers”? Visit
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +
Produce Best Results With a Dynamic Work Team
Entrepreneurship has a different perspective in modern business world. Human relation plays key role in success of any enterprise. A well organized work force of skilled and professional personnel can definitely take your business to new heights. This is most competitive phase of global economy and only those, who can produce best result, will succeed in achieving business goals.
Recruiting a result oriented team and developing them to meet the modern market challenges is a crucial issue before H R Teams of big business houses world-wide.
You can get some useful tips on how to use Internet to find and hire the best employees. Are you planning to hire the best employees by using social networking, blogging and other internet tools? Visit
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +