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Build Your Successful online Business

Building successful business online is a journey and it won’t be a smooth journey. There will be road blocks and challenges along the way.

Everyone who achieved success online had to follow a tough schedule. It’s a process every successful entrepreneur must go through. There is a price to pay for success.

Most people started their business online by focusing on the destination. They focus on the PRIZE before paying the PRICE. That’s why so many FAIL!

Building a business is not a casual undertaking. The odds are stacked against you. If you want to be successful, you must be willing to face the odds, take the challenges and removing road blocks along the way.

Get some useful tips for building successful online business, visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

What’s The Right Business Startup for You

Finding the right business startup is one of the most popular small business subjects today. Finding the hot business opportunity is the first step. Once you find a hot idea you need to evaluate whether the business makes sense not only in the market but also for you personally. Using your strengths can help you overcome any business startup delay. If the business requires you to go way outside your comfort zone, it might be better to find something that closely matches your skills.

Passion plays vital role. There is a common saying do what you love and the money will follow. However, passion is only part of equation. Sometimes you keep your passions aside and focus on tough realities of the market.

Get some valuable tips on various factors determining the right business start-up for you, visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

The Rules Of Getting Customer Feedback

Business-owners in earlier days were not familiar with the concept of getting Customer Feedback. Development of marketing technology and advent of internet has opened unlimited opportunities to sell your products and services across the globe. This has made it necessary to keep connected with your vast customer network. Getting customers feedback is crucial to keep updating and improving your products and services.

Various online channels like blogs, forums and social-networking sites are available to keep directly connected with customers. Twitter, Facebook, Myspace are some popular sites which help direct interaction with your clients and friends. In todays competitive market, you cannot achieve your online business goals without taking help of different social media channels.

To know about some social media rules you should follow to stay connected to your customers, visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

Setting Effective Goals and Making Them Reality

To reach from where you are to where you want to be whether in business or in life you must set and accomplish effective goals.

People confuse goals with dreams and desires. Goals are dreams with an action plan and a deadline. If you say,I want to be successful or I want to earn good money, they are just wishes and not clear goals.

Your goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound). Vague ideas wouldn’t help you to concentrate and lack of concentration and focus, on what you actually want to achieve, may adversely affect your success.

Write down clearly what you want to achieve. Give a time frame to every goal you have set. That will enable you focus and achieve it within a given deadline.

Make your business a success by writing down your goals and setting your targets to it.

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

Resolving Workplace Conflicts

The post by United Virtual — virtual office explains ways for better output and avoiding workplace conflicts

People dream of a perfect workplace where they can give their best output. Unfortunately, a perfect workplace does not exist. In every business house, some conflicts keep arising among team-mates. Job distribution, work-schedule, compensation package, increment system, personality clash, there may be many reasons to create a conflict at the workplace. There is not a single place where every person takes full responsibility of his actions and people dont blame someone else for a mistake.

Conflicts at workplace start when someones emotions are hurt or when someone feels insulted or betrayed. For a healthy working environment, such conflicts need to be tactfully resolved before they start affecting the interests of the organization.

If you want to get some useful guidelines how to resolve workplace conflicts, visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

Winning Customer’s Confidence is Vital for Business Success

This post is courtesy United Virtual- the virtual office company

Are you launching a new internet venture” Online buyers are very cautious; they know internet is full of unethical sites whose intention is to make quick money and vanish overnight. Winning confidence of your customers is most important for your success. Work out ways to win their trust. It takes time but you can achieve it by implementing your fair business policy with full commitment.

Remember, we are in business with one objective giving best products and services to our customers. If you succeed winning their confidence, they will be pleased to call you back. If you have a team of dedicated employees who know how to deliver what your customer wants and how to handle customer queries in most friendly manner, you are sure to win their loyalty.

Want to have some useful tips on how to earn the trust of new customers”? Visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

Be Professional In Your Manpower Planning

This coverage is bought to you by United Virtual- the virtual office company.

Competition is the biggest challenge in today’s market. It is a global phenomenon. To achieve the business goals, you have to be on top of ladder. How you achieve it? Just by offering best products and services to win your customers confidence. There must be some unique features in your product to give you an edge over your competitors. Personalized service policy will help you in getting more business volume and generate higher revenue.

Work out a professional manpower policy and recruit young, dynamic and energetic team. Your manpower planning needs to be goal-oriented. After all you are making investment in building your workforce. You may select which of different latest techniques meet your companys requirements. If you are looking for some clues about staffing procedures, visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

Produce Best Results With a Dynamic Work Team

Entrepreneurship has a different perspective in modern business world. Human relation plays key role in success of any enterprise. A well organized work force of skilled and professional personnel can definitely take your business to new heights. This is most competitive phase of global economy and only those, who can produce best result, will succeed in achieving business goals.

Recruiting a result oriented team and developing them to meet the modern market challenges is a crucial issue before H R Teams of big business houses world-wide.

You can get some useful tips on how to use Internet to find and hire the best employees. Are you planning to hire the best employees by using social networking, blogging and other internet tools? Visit

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

How To Greet Your Clients

Good client relations are one of the major driving forces behind the success of any business. It is generally the first encounter, rather, the very first impression that makes or breaks ones client relationships. Greeting a client is not a difficult task. It may sound complex sometimes, but the essentials remain the same, which stress on nothing, but a healthy interaction.

During your interaction with the client, you should try to put the client at ease and try to establish control of the dialogue. It is your easiness and confidence, which act as the convincing or trust-building factors for any business deal. In general, 70% of the success of any deal directly relates to a good interaction. One should always be his best while greeting a client.

At the outset, one must always dress in accordance to the situation, which is formal in most of the cases. One should also be particular about the place of meeting. Usually, peaceful, neutral places are the best meeting grounds as the possibility of disturbances are very unlikely in such places. It makes the client comfortable and free from all pressures. Make sure the place looks sounds and smells good. There must not be any distraction.

When it comes to the actual act of greeting, one should stand up and extend a firm handshake. If it is the first meeting, you may as well introduce yourself, and then get the clients name. It is always advisable to keep the conversation light in the beginning. For instance, you may begin with a casual small talk about the place of meeting or food items. Such small off-the-topic talks facilitate in making the client comfortable. Once the client is all comfortable, you may slide into the main issue of discussion. At the same time, one must always seek permission to ask questions.

Business talks must never be hasty in nature. It takes a while for the client to enter into a business deal with you; however, it takes only a second to break the same. One must be patient in answering all the queries of the client. In addition, eye contact is very important for creating interest. You must maintain a firm eye contact with the client to show that you are attentive enough. Smile is another factor that sets in a pleasant mood of discussion. As is popular, smile a lot, it costs nothing! In client interactions however, a smiling face may fetch you a lot.

Next, one should provide for tasty refreshments at regular intervals depending upon the course of meeting. Essentially, greeting a client serves as the fulcrum for all further business meetings. You must conclude with a handshake. The tone should be promising and confident in nature. At the end, the client should be sure of a good business relation.

You cannot learn or inherit the perfect way of greeting your clients. The more you interact and build upon the above-mentioned tools, the closer you get to know your clients and the faster, your business expands.

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

The Most Expensive Office Spaces in The World

If you dream of a successful business, it becomes important to look for best office locations and spaces. In a business, it is always suggested that the office atmosphere counts a lot on the productivity from an employee. Organizations today are stressing not only on for better strategy in their business but also looking out for time-to-time change in the office spaces for better production.

To acquire success in business, organizations are choosing expensive office locations in dynamic cities around the world. With the rapid increase in the demand for good office locations real estate is emerging out as commercially powerful option over other sectors.

Since there is a great competition in the market over choosing the best office spaces, no business centers are leaving stone unturned in choosing well-suited locations and spaces for their businesses. Cities worldwide are getting flooded with expensive offices and no organizations feel difficulty in finding the best suitable office of their choices

Here we go with the list of places, which provide you with the most expensive office spaces in the world. Very first in this list comes Tokyo, Japan. With the annual rent cost of approx $164/sq ft, here landlords are coming out with many attractive packages like incentive packages which offer to provide in increase in lease length.

Next in the list comes London. The busiest city in the world is a great business hub for commercial business seekers. In London’s west end, average rent cost is approx $120/ sq ft. Due to less development space and wide population, it is expected that prices will bounce for the premium spaces.

With an average cost of $142/sq ft, Hong Kong, China stands third in the list. There had been a gradual decline of 35% in the prices of the most expensive locations in Hong Kong, still the office market remained active throughout.

With an overflowing experience in the office supply, Dubai comes next in the list of the most expensive office spaces in the world. An average cost of aprrox$116/sq ft, Dubai is one of the markets globally, which is overflowed with the office spaces available to it. Abu Dhabi next to Dubai is also a grand business hub. 

Mumbai, India is fifth in the list with approx $95/sq ft. as an average rent cost of office spaces. Rental values declined due to economic slowdown and the corporate companies also dropped the idea of expanding their business due to this. But if you are seeking for good business outcomes, Mumbai can be an ideal option to avail expensive business space.

There are many other places around the globe where you can check out for expensive office spaces. New York, Paris, Dublin, Frankfurt are other big cities which reside good yet expensive office spaces. 

A successful business is all about growing and looking forward beyond horizons. So if you are interested in buying an expensive office anywhere around the globe, you can look from the list above enlisting the most expensive office spaces in the world.

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +

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