Should You Celebrate Thanksgiving at Your Office?

When you think of Thanksgiving, the things that come to mind probably include turkey, family, pumpkin pie, and backyard football games after dinner. You might be wondering if it’s appropriate to celebrate this holiday at work, if in today’s world it would be just another hassle to plan. Even though Thanksgiving might not traditionally lend itself to an office party, it can raise your employees’ morale and boost their motivation. Here are some reasons to consider celebrating Thanksgiving at your office.

The word gratitude means to be thankful for and appreciative of the blessings in your life. It is not just a vague emotion, however. It is also an action. When you and your employees take the time to reflect on your blessings in your jobs and your lives in general, you’ll find that the world seems a little brighter, a little kinder. You’ll notice that in your interactions with others, you’re a little more understanding. This can work wonders in your relationships with each other and with your customers.

We all have hectic, fast-paced lives. Taking a little time out to be thankful for what we have and to celebrate the often-overlooked and -misunderstood. Thanksgiving holiday is even more important in this environment. When you give your employees the chance to slow down and appreciate what they have (and, indeed, show them that they are appreciated in return), you’ll reap the benefits. Practicing gratitude can renew their (and your) spirits.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs and small businesses. They entail a prestigious business address in cities across the US, a live virtual receptionist for answering and forwarding your business calls, courier services and more.Google +



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