Time Management: Keep Your Eye on the Prize

To accomplish more in less time it is important to follow five P’s of Productivity.

There are many books available on Time Management and many new titles are being published. With lot of information easily accessible, why do people struggle to manage their lives? The concept of Time Management seems to be quite simple. Allocate 24 hours to completion of needs, tasks, projects and responsibilities.

Time Management Coach Stacey K. Vulakh explains how to focus on the end result instead of trying to monitor the minutes and control every factor. He emphasizes on incorporating “5 P’s of Productivity” in your life to get the best results and enhance your productivity. These are:

  1. Keep your eyes on the Prize: You need to identify why Time Management is important to you and define the intended goal or prize.
  2. Manage your priorities: Defining your priorities should be your primary or main concern. Narrow the priority list to three or four and focus on those.
  3. Plan, plan, plan: People will be far more successful if they implement an element of planning into their life. One\’s success level will improve dramatically with some sort of a planning process.
  4. Identify Partnerships: Partnerships can take on many forms, so be creative.
  5. Practice: It takes 21 days for a new thought or activity to stick.

Read the article to know more about this important topic. Visit:http://www.womenentrepreneur.com/2011/01/time-management-start-with-the-end-result.html

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About Jim Jacques

Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +



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