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Selecting Plants for Your Office or Desk
Plants in an office or on a desk can brighten up a room, make the air fresher and provide a needed dose of nature in an otherwise
sterile environment. But so often, those big plans for a healthy and verdant fern shrivel and die along with the fronds leaving you with an eyesore that makes you feel guilty for your lack of a green thumb.
Part of what leads to plant neglect comes from the plants you choose to bring into the office in the first place. Plants that will thrive indoors, in the middle of cubicle mazes, have specific qualities.
Before choosing a plant, first evaluate the conditions of your office.
- Lighting: If your office has a window or is near one, your plant options increase and you can choose a plant that does well in full or partial sun. If not, choose a shade tolerant plant. It will get enough light from the overhead lights.
- Temperature:Some plants don’t do well indoors because it’s too warm or they can’t withstand the temperature fluctuations between day and nights or weekends. Look for hardy plants if the temperature varies a lot in your office.
- Humidity: This can affect the soil, either keeping it too moist and promoting mold or drying out the soil too quickly, leading to overwatering.
Best Bets
When it comes time to make the choice for your office, a few plants will do better than others.
- Jade (crassulaovata): The bright, waxy leaves and interesting shapes add a eometric quality to your office. Technically asucculent, jades are vibrant green, thrive in shade and have a hardy constitution. Keep them well watered.
Philodendron: These traditional indoor plants do quite well in a variety of office environments. As an added bonus, they will climb up walls — or drape down if in a basket. Plus, they can take a little neglect and still remain healthy.
- Peace lily (spathiphyllum): If you’re looking for a showstopper (and a plant known for cleaning the air),
hoose a peace lily. These plants have large, broad, deep green leaves and will grow stunning flowers as well. They also tolerate low light. However, if you have a coworker with pollen allergies, you should clip the flower before it blooms.
You can pick up these common houseplants at most home improvement stores and garden centers to transform your office today.
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, which provides business owners with virtual office services to help them save money and grow their business. Virtual Offices include a prestigious business address in myriad U.S. cities, Virtual Phone Services, courier services and more. Google +
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Deciding Price Strategy For Your Product or Service
As an entrepreneur, first thing you need to decide is your price strategy. Fixing right price for your product or service is major aspect of a marketing program. Considering some basic factors may help you in taking right decision in this direction.
- How do you plan to position your product in the market” If you are planning to market your products through a discount store, you will try to keep your prices lower than your competitors. On the other hand, if your product is an exclusive luxury item, keeping low price tag might hurt your image. The pricing must be consistent with the positioning. People strongly emphasize to the idea that you get what you pay for.
- Do some market research to find out acceptability of your product at a particular price. Work out demand curve at various prices to assess the best price for your product or service.
- Calculate the fixed and variable costs of your product or service. Ensure that your gross margin (price minus cost of goods) sufficiently covers your fixed overhead to get you acceptable profit margin. Many entrepreneurs under-estimate this aspect which gets them into trouble.
- There are other areas to be examined before you decide pricing your product or service. To get detailed information on this topic visit:
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +
The New Approach to Business Development
As a smart startup entrepreneur you should minimize your time and efforts by shifting your approach to business development. During the early stages of your business planning, you come across two groups of tasks:
- The busy work: The startup busy work means the task oriented stuff. Starting the busy work doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve started the business.
- The business work: This is the area where business development ideas are constructed and dissected. Actual business planning starts during this period,
Few things might help you plan your business development smartly.
- Finding couple of trial client is important before you spend substantially on marketing materials. Get an impressive presentation folder with one sheet description of your business. You will have to meet 10 persons to get your first two customers. Those ten will help you figure out whether you are moving in the right direction.
- Organizing demonstrations and presentations in your potential client meetings can help you find solutions about enhancing sale appeal of your product or service. Wisely allocate your budged on product or service development.
- Dont avoid meeting a new client. The key to balancing busy work vs. business work is to plan as you go. Most of information that you need for business development will come from actual clients.
To get a clear picture of the direction your new business will take, focus on business development activities and resist procrastination by hiding behind busy work.
To know more on this subject, visit
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +
Be Professional In Your Manpower Planning
This coverage is bought to you by United Virtual- the virtual office company.
Competition is the biggest challenge in today’s market. It is a global phenomenon. To achieve the business goals, you have to be on top of ladder. How you achieve it? Just by offering best products and services to win your customers confidence. There must be some unique features in your product to give you an edge over your competitors. Personalized service policy will help you in getting more business volume and generate higher revenue.
Work out a professional manpower policy and recruit young, dynamic and energetic team. Your manpower planning needs to be goal-oriented. After all you are making investment in building your workforce. You may select which of different latest techniques meet your companys requirements. If you are looking for some clues about staffing procedures, visit
About Jim Jacques
Jim Jacques is the President of United Virtual Office, a leading nationwide provider of virtual offices for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. A virtual office includes an address at a prestigious business location in the US, live virtual receptionist, courier services and more. Google +